A channelled message from the Cheesering – a natural rock formation on Bodmin Moor in Cornwall. I was guided to enter in to the consciousness of the rock, and these were the words that were expressed through me.
We are one now. In truth we are always one but the different forms give us different perceptions. The rock harbours no illusions about its oneness with the all. It is the humans that harbour the illusions. It is the humans that see a rock and think it is just a rock. The rocks have been here much longer than the humans, and the rocks have much to share, much wisdom. We are not just something to tread upon and to throw and discard. We carry the wisdom of the ages. We have a solid form, a heavy form. We do not think as such but are capable of discourse. We absorb and we hold the memory of all that has gone before. That is why sacred sites are imbibed with all the ceremonies that have taken place at them. This is why it is important to have a reverence for these sites. Lack of reverence and mistreatment to us – as with humans – requires healing. For the land retains the memory of everything that happens upon it and must be treated with respect.
Feel the stillness as you enter in to our consciousness. There is nothing to do or be, no place to go, just sitting, not striving for anything. We just are, just as humans just are. It is the mind that causes the turmoil, so be with us a while, still the mind, still the thoughts, find your freedom. Feel your connection to the earth, for every human is here for a purpose. Many never find their purpose, or misuse their purpose, others flee, shooting for the stars, the heavens. The earth is the connection piece. The human needs a connection to the earth in order to carry out their purpose, in order to be the bridge. All humans are here to be a bridge between heaven and earth. You are one such bridge, connecting to the land in this way as you connect to the spiritual realms. The integration of both in your body is what will set you free, will enable you to realise your oneness, which is one and the same as our oneness.
Realise that you are not superior nor inferior, you just simply are, and your purpose is different to ours. We support and hold the people, but the people rarely recognise this. It is time for the people to remember, remember what they have forgotten, and this is the message we can share. For you can share our words. You can help our voice to be heard. From the grain of sand to the mountain, we all have a different story to tell. We hold the memory of our specific locations as well as the memory of the whole. Your healing is needed at specific locations that have been mistreated. Listen to our wisdom. Carry out land healing. Some sites are for healing others, some sites require healing to be restored to their full healing capacity.
This is one such place of freedom, where the elders danced and sang, tribes gathered from far and wide. Great devotional practices happened here and continue to happen. This is the story that has been forgotten by many, the story that will be remembered as the people wake up, and the people now are waking up, far and wide. For a new era is beginning. The age of ignorance is coming to a close. Much chaos is predicted as it does, but the process of dismantling has already begun, and as it unravels, the people need to keep their centre. The earth will support the people to keep their centre. All the people need to do is to love the earth. It is a simple message, but one that cannot be said loudly enough. For without it there will be no earth, there will be no people. The earth can flourish again, the people can flourish again, but the key is connection and collaboration with each other and also with the other realms, doing away with competitive industries, doing away with different class systems. It is all a farce. No one is more important than another, and this applies to humans, animals, to all of nature.
Thank you for taking the time to connect with us. Thank you for listening to our voice.