The Lunar Eclipse Speaks…

Lay your worries and your fears to rest. For I exist to bring you home, the moment of light penetrating the darkness. I symbolise this, and more. For the human soul is shrouded by Maya, lost in a sea of dark and light, oscillating between these two extremes in a desperate attempt to find their way back home. Well, moments such as these – the eclipses – whether seen as auspicious or inauspicious, exist to cause the human, as the moon, seemingly stopped in its tracks by the shadow of the earth, to stop, stand still awhile, take stock, see these themes – of light and dark – and how they run through their lives. And if they are lucky, and one of the chosen ones, to obtain a glimpse of the truth, of their all-embracing Divinity, beyond the opposites, which are mere plays of the Divine, and let this glimpse propel them forwards to a life of good: acting in accordance with Divine intent, as part of the tapestry of the whole, to bring each part back to their final resting ground. Nature holds the keys to unlock the truth within. Thus, stop awhile and be, and little by little, you, as I, will become free, Amen.