Silence Speaks: the unstruck sound, the sound to bring you back home, back to Godhead – the one true uniting force permeating all beings, all places, all things. And I speak to those who take the time to listen, to still the mental chatter, so that they can rise above the illusion and find their place once more with the totality of all that ever was, is, and shall forever be. Thus, down your tools – wherever you are, whoever you are – and see if you can hear my voice, which is the voice of purity and truth. And keep listening till you get it, and there is no doubt left in your being that the Father and you are One. From thence, embrace all your brothers, your sisters, no matter their outward appearance, behaviour, caste or creed. For you all spring from the same source, and it is that same source to which you will all return. Thus, help not hinder each other, so you can all sleep peacefully at night, safe in the knowledge that you are One, and so that the outer charade no longer affects you. For it is just that – a passing game to wake the ignorant masses up out of their stupor, so that they can find their way back home. The time is nigh. No more sleepless nights, or false pain, just peace, unity and bliss, as you reside once more in the essence of your being, which is the essence of the all. Amen.
NB. Photo: Himalayan Mountain peak through the Monsoon mist, Nepal.