The Monsoon Speaks…

The Monsoon Speaks: a time for going inside, clearing away the clutter of the months or year gone by, being still, being silent, purging any erroneous perceptions built up over time – any anger, any sadness, any fear, anything and everything that is not of truth. For truth – this is where I lead the dedicated seeker, back to the centre of their own being, which is the essence of the All. Thus, fear not the rumbling thunder claps and sparks of lightning radiating in the sky, nor the heavy downpours. For it is all designed to purify – purify the festering ignorance so that the light of truth can shine forth, like the clear blue sky once the thunderstorm has had its say. What you see out there is really a mirror of what is deep inside, both individually and collectively. Thus embrace the purge and be ready – ready to step forth back in to action the other side, not as the small egoic self, but as the universal consciousness you know yourself to be, ready to stand and fight for truth, even if, and especially if this is not what you see around you. No more falsity, die for truth. This is the message I bring and the peace I bestow. Amen.

NB. Photo: Himalayan Mountains through the Monsoon mist, Nepal.