The Lotus Flower Speaks…

The Lotus Flower Speaks… I speak of growth and renewal, and complete transformation from one state to another, from dense earthly issues to purified states of consciousness, in which one recognises themselves as a part of the one, and so too each one. And this involves the deep dive in, in to the murky waters of existence, till one penetrates the truth and emerges victorious out of their own depths in to the shimmering light of the one, shining their effulgent light out on to all on their path, no longer caught up in and tainted by the chaos of illusion that surrounds the human race, but free and standing apart from and seeing things from a new all-encompassing perspective. And I am born again and again to symbolise the transient nature of life, with each one incarnating again and again, donning a new vessel, till the work is truly done, and one has gleaned the final message and is free: a Jivanmukta – liberated whilst living, only needing to return again if the Gods so will it to help release the human race from their suffering and the quagmire of delusion, else shining free as the one all-encompassing whole.

Thus, let my beauty be a symbol, an emblem, of the path of growth to which all can aspire, and to which all feel the pull, to varying degrees, consciously or unconsciously, the pull to be free, at peace and at one with the all, resting comfortably in their skin, yet so too not identified with it. For they have moved beyond the limiting confines of the illusion and know themselves to be one with the all-embracing whole, nurtured from within and emitting light from within and in eternal contact with the one who moves the all. Know that the work is already done, the truth already contained within, only waiting to shine forth when the human is ready to let go of their false identifications and take their place as one with Me – the ever-shining light of truth. This is the journey from dark to light and the only true journey that there is to take in life. For it alone will take you to the eternal: the One God who exists in and sustains the all, Amen.